Articles accepted for publication in the journal should express the most significant, completed and not yet published research results. All articles are reviewed.
Editors ask of authors in the preparation of articles to be guided by the following rules. Manuscript is submitted to the editors in electronic form or sent by e-mail to:
V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol, Russian Federation
The tips for preparing the articles for the publication are provided in scientific journals “Scientific notes of V. I. Vernadsky Crimean federal university ” all series. The structure of article, guidelines for formatting of the text, the titles, the list of references and summaries are described.
Keywords: structure of article, article preparing, page setup.
These guidelines are created to help the authors to prepare the manuscripts for a publication in scientific journals the “Scientific Notes of V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University” of all series. Journals publish the articles containing new theoretical and practical results in the area of engineering, natural and humanitarian sciences. Also publishes reviews of the current state of development of important scientific issues, articles on pedagogy of higher education.
Articles for publication in the journal “Scientific notes of V.I. Vernadsky CFU” corresponding series are accepted electronically and printed on the paper A4 in Russian, Ukrainian or English. Each article submitted for publication in the Journal of the Russian or Ukrainian language should contain an extended abstract in English of not less than 1 p., the title of the article and the list of the references in English. For articles submitted for publication in English, the extended abstract is required.
The article has to consist of logically related topics. If an article of more than four pages, each section has to begin with a header (section title). The article should have the following elements:
- The manuscripts title composed of the UDC, title of the article, the names and initials of the author (s), places of the authors work or study, e-mail address of the contact person.
- After the title the original abstract of the article is located. Abstract reflects the theme of the work and the obtained results. The volume of abstracts should not exceed ten lines. After the abstract the keywords follow. For articles, placed in a series of “Physics and mathematics” section “Physics” after the abstract should be a string with PACS number
- The introduction contains a statement of the problem in general and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks; analysis of the latest achievements and publications relied upon by the author; identification of unresolved aspects of the problem, which is dedicated to the article; formulation of objectives (tasks).
- Statement the basic material research with the substantiation of the results.
- References.
- At the end of the manuscript in languages other than the language of the article, put the article title, last name and initials of the author (s), abstract and keywords. The article has to contain the abstracts in Russian and English.
The manuscript is available as a file in the format of Microsoft Word (.doc) or Rich Text Format (.rtf), and in printed form.
The value of the manuscript is not limited.
Page setup: paper size А4 (210 297 mm), the Mirrored Margins
top | 30 mm |
bottom | 67 mm |
inside | 24 mm |
outline | 45 mm |
header | 14 mm |
footer | 57 mm |
Throughout the article, the font Times New Roman is used.
All pages are not numbered.
Words are separated by a single space. There is no space before punctuation marks (point, comma, colon, semicolon, exclamation and question marks). A hyphen (for example, the word “major-general”) denotes a symbol “-“, a dash “-” character. Using hyphenations in the manuscript is unacceptable.
The reduction of separate words and phrases in Russian and foreign languages produced in accordance with state standard 7.12-93.
Initials are placed after the author’s last name.
The section titles and sub-article titles (except for Introduction and Conclusion) should be numbered. The red line across the paper (except for Title and Abstract) 0.75 cm.
Table 1
The size and style of the font for the elements of article
UDC key | Font size 10, bold Italic. Line spacing 1,5. Align text to the left. |
Title of the article | Caps letters, font size 11, bold. Line spacing 1,5. Center text. After the title of the article the point not raised. |
Last name and initials of the author | Font size 11, bold, Italic. Line spacing 1,5. Center text. |
Place of the work e-mail | Font size 9, bold Italic. Line spacing 1. Justify. |
Abstract | Font size 9. Line spacing 1. Justify. The phrase “key words” should be bold italics. |
PACS number | Font size 10, bold Italic. Line spacing – 1, special spacing 3 пт. Align text to the left |
The basic text, Captions | Font size 11. Line spacing – 1. Justify. |
Section title | Font size 10, bold, all letters – caps. Line spacing – 1, one spacing before and after the subtitle. Justify. The point at the end of the section title is not raised. |
Titles of subsections | Font size 11, bold, the first letter of a sentence is caps. Line spacing – 1, one spacing before the subtitle. Justify After the title of the article the point not raised. |
The article title preparing
If the authors work (study) not at the same institution, under the list of the names one should point full names of institutions in order references (references designate superscript after the author’s last name and initials).
UDC 530.14
Karpenko S. A.
V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol, Crimea, Russian Federation
Using Crimea as an example, we conducted recreational micro-zoning and provided substantiation for further use of micro-zones in tourism and recreational activities. In order to create the integrated informational layer “Natural complexes, used for recreation” we conducted recreational zoning of preserved natural landscapes of Crimea, and, as a result, specified elementary tourist districts (areals). This districts reflect the particular characteristics of spatial development for active tourism kinds (trekking, sport, hiking, etc.) on different territories.
Keywords: recreational micro-zoning, geoinformational database, recreational infrastructure facilities, natural complexes.
1.5. Illustrations preparing
Illustrations (drawings, diagrams, charts, graphs, drawings) in the text abbreviated Fig. 1. Figures and tables are placed in the text, after the reference to them. Graphic illustration is not wrapping by text neither left nor right. The captions are placed under the pictures and are created like the basic text of the article (Fig. 1). The caption of a single line is centered. At the end of the caption the point is raised. The line spacing between figure and his caption – 1,5.

Elements of the figure should be grouped. Before and after illustration of the figure caption line is skipped.
Tables preparing
All tables are numbered in Arabic numerals (for example Table 1, right-aligned), provided with a titles that is printed in lowercase letters (except for the first caps letter) and placed above the table, centered. Before the word “Table”, after the title of the table after table the string is skipped. If the table is spread across several pages, the word “Table” is indicated once over the first part of it, and the title of the table is complemented by a line of columns with numbers. On other parts of the table write “Continuation of the table” with the number of tables and repeat the line numbered columns. At the end of the table titles and subtitles points are not raised.
The table should be placed in the text so that it can be read without rotation operation or turning clockwise.
Formulas preparing
Formula placed immediately after the text in which they are mentioned in the center of the line. The simple formula is not advisable to make using the formula editor, and as a text containing symbols.
Font sizes used in the formula:
normal symbols | 12 pt |
large index | 7 pt |
small index | 5 pt |
large symbols | 18 pt |
small symbols | 12 pt |
Formatting styles of the formula elements:
text | Times New Roman, Italic |
function | Times New Roman, Italic |
variable | Times New Roman, Italic |
low. greek | Symbol, Italic |
caps greek | Symbol, Italic |
symbol | Symbol |
matrix-vector | Times New Roman |
number | Times New Roman |
Formulas number is indicated on the level of the formula in parentheses to the far right on the line. Formulas are transferred to the next line only operation sign, the sign of the operation at the beginning of the next line is repeated. To transfer on the sign multiplication one should applied an “x”. Formula, following one after the other and separated text, comma separated.
For designation of the vector do not use special characters but required quantities highlighted in bold. In the text of the article the vector also should draw bold.
Example of the formulas in the article text:

If the symbols in the formula merge the space is inserted between them.
References preparing
- List headline «Список литературы» or «References», font size 10, bold, centered. The text of the references: font size 9, justify. Line spacing single.
- When you link to a paper you need to note its name.
- References in English should be in accordance with the criteria of journals included in the citation database of peer-reviewed literature (SCOPUS, Web of Science и др.). It is required the listing of all the authors of articles, books, etc.
- The example of the references in English:
- Chu S., Hollberg L., Bjorkholm J., Cable A. and Ashkin A., Three-dimensional viscous confinement and cooling of atoms by resonant radiation pressure, Rev. Lett., 55, 48 (1985).
- Dzedolik I.V., Karakchieva O. Polariton spectrum in nonlinear dielectric medium, e-print arXiv:1212.0100 (2012).
- Born M. and Wolf E., Principles of optics (Cambridge University Press, 1999).
- Kalkuta S.A., Timoshevskii A.N., Ab-initio simulation of the atomic structure and distribution of vacancies in the LaxCe1/2-xLixTiO3 ionic conductor, Abstracts of International Conference “Functional Materials” (DIP, Simferopol, 2011), p. 61.
An example of a complete description of links to articles, books, electronic publications and abstracts of the conference:
Author1 N.P, Author2 N.P., Author3 N.P. and Author4 N.P., Title of the paper, Journal title, Volume (Issue) number, First page number (Year).
Author1 N.P. and Author2 N.P., Title of the paper, e-print arXiv:Article-id (Year).
Author1 N.P. and Author2 N.P, Book Title, Number of pages p. (Publisher, City, Year).
Author1 N.P., Title of the abstract, Abstracts (or proceedings) of Conference, edited by Editor1 N.P. (Publisher, City, Year), p. First page number.
- An example of the references for publication the article in the Russian or Ukrainian:
- Кившарь Ю. С. Оптические солитоны. От волоконных световодов до фотонных кристаллов / Ю. С. Кившарь, Г. П. Агравал ; [Пер. с англ. под ред. Н. Н. Розанова]. – М. : Физматлит, 2005. – 648 с.
- Sun X. Tunable spatial demultiplexer based on the Fabry-Perot filter / X. Sun, P. Gu, M. Li [et al.] // Optics Express. – 2006. – Vol. 14, No 18. – P. 8470-8475.
- Mock A. Spectral properties of photonic crystal double heterostructure resonant cavities / A. Mock, L. Lu, J. D. O’Brien // Optics Express. – 2008. – Vol. 16, No 13. – P. 9391-9397.
- Sukhoivanov I. A. Photonic crystals : physics and practical modeling / I. A. Sukhoivanov, I. V. Guryev. – Springer, 2009. – 241 p.
- Шаскольская М. П. Основы кристаллофизики / М. П. Шаскольская, Ю. И. Сиротин. – М. : Наука, 1979. – 640 с.
- Reinhart F. K. Electro-optical and waveguide properties of reverse-biased gallium phosphide p-n junction / F. K. Reinhart, D. F. Nelson, J. McKenna // Phys. Rev. – 1969. – Vol. 177, No 3. – P. 1208-1221.
- Шведов В. Г. Формирование оптических вихрей в процессе дифракции света на диэлектрическом клине / В. Г. Шведов, Я. В. Издебская, А. Н. Алексеев [и др.] // Письма в ЖТФ. – 2002. – Т. 28, вып. 6. – С. 87-93.
- Dzedolik I. V. Vortex pulse interference / I. V. Dzedolik, S. N. Lapayeva // Proc. SPIE. – 2002. – Vol. 4607. – P. 104-108.
- Дзедолик И. В. Поляритоны в оптических волокнах и диэлектрических резонаторах / И. В. Дзедолик. – Симферополь : ДиАйПи, 2007. – 320 с.
Abstract preparing
The abstract at the end of the article are created according to the following pattern:
Карпенко А.С. Рекреационное микрорайонирование Крыма как основа для оценки воздействия активных видов туризма на природные комплексы региона / С.А. Карпенко // Ученые записки Крымского федерального университета имени В.И. Вернадского. География. Геология. – 20… – Т. , No. . – С.
Выполнено рекреационное микрорайонирование территории Крыма, харатеризующее особенности использования природных комплесов региона активными видами туризма. Выделено 398 рекреационных микрорайонов (ареалов) в пределах зон повсеместного и очагового рекреационного освоения территории. Районирование проводилось с использованием программного комплекса ArcGIS от фирмы ESRI на основе топографической и ландшафтной карт масштаба 1:100 000 и геоинформационной базы данных, включающей данные о природных комплексах, современном использовании территории, а также об объектах туристической инфраструктуры Крыма.
Ключевые слова: рекреационное микрорайонирование, геоинформационная база данных, объекты рекреационной инфраструктуры Крыма, природные комплексы.
For articles in English:
Karpenko S. A. Recreational micro-zoning of Crimea as basis for assesment of activ tourism on natural complexes of region / S. A. Karpenko // Scientific Notes of V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University. Geography. Geology. – 20… – Vol. , No. . – P. .
Using Crimea as an example, we conducted recreational micro-zoning and provided substantiation for further use of micro-zones in tourism and recreational activities. In order to create the integrated informational layer “Natural complexes, used for recreation” we conducted recreational zoning of preserved natural landscapes of Crimea, and, as a result, specified elementary tourist districts (areals). This districts reflect the particular characteristics of spatial development for active tourism kinds (trekking, sport, hiking, etc.) on different territories.
Keywords: recreational micro-zoning, geoinformational database, recreational infrastructure facilities, natural complexes.
If an article is published in Russian and Ukrainian, at the end of the article an extended abstract in English is placed:
Karpenko S.A.
V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol, Crimea, Russian Federation
Using Crimea as an example, we conducted recreational micro-zoning and provided substantiation for further use of micro-zones in tourism and recreational activities. In order to create the integrated informational layer “Natural complexes, used for recreation” we conducted recreational zoning of preserved natural landscapes of Crimea, and, as a result, specified elementary tourist districts (areals). This districts reflect the particular characteristics of spatial development for active tourism kinds (trekking, sport, hiking, etc.) on different territories.
(the amount of the abstract – 1 p.)
Keywords: optical vortex, dielectric resonator, external electric field.
- Mock A., Lu L., O’Brien J.D., Spectral properties of photonic crystal double heterostructure resonant cavities, Optics Express, 16, 9391 (2008).
- Sukhoivanov I.A., Guryev I.V. Photonic crystals : physics and practical modeling, 241 p.(Springer, 2009).
- Reinhart F. K., Nelson D. F., McKenna J., Electro-optical and waveguide properties of reverse-biased gallium phosphide p-n junction, Phys. Rev., 177, 1208 (1969).
It should be noted that «Ученые записки Крымского федерального университета имени В. И. Вернадского» should be written as «Scientific Notes of V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University».
The procedure of articles reviewing directed to the editorial office of the reviewed journal
“The procedure of articles reviewing” presents for the publication in the journal “Scientific Notes of Crimean V.I. Vernadsky Federal University. Biology. Chemistry ” (further – the Procedure) defines the procedure of reviewing of scientific articles manuscripts presented by authors for the publication in the scientific and information journal ” Scientific Notes of Crimean V.I. Vernadsky Federal University. Biology. Chemistry” (further – the Journal)
Each manuscript presented to editorial office of the Journal must pass the review procedure. Every manuscript of the scientific article received by the editorial of Journal is considered by the editor-in-chief. The manuscript has to conform to requirements for formatting and goes for reviewing to the expert. The review is carried out by one of the members of the editorial board of the Journal, which has the closest to the theme of article scientific specialization
Edition has the right to involve external reviewers (doctors or candidates of science, including practical specialists).
Reviewers are notified that manuscripts that were directed to them are the intellectual property of the authors and relate to undisclosed information. Reviewers aren’t allowed to make the copy of articles for the needs. They shouldn’t use knowledge of the content of work before its publication in own interests. The editor will coordinate with the reviewer the term of submission of the review in editorial office. In each separate case it is defined by edition with creation of conditions for the most operational publication of articles.
Each manuscript submitted to the Journal must pass reviewing procedure. The manuscript of the scientific article which came to editorial office of the Journal is considered by the editor-in-chief regarding compliance of the manuscript of the scientific article to a profile of the Journal, to requirements to formalization rules and directed for reviewing to the expert. Reviewing is carried out by one of members of an editorial board of the Journal having the closest to article subject scientific specialization. Edition has the right to involve external reviewers (doctors or candidates of science, including experts having recognized authority and working in field of knowledge to which the contents of the manuscript belong).
The author or the coauthor of the reviewed work can’t be the reviewer. The authors of manuscripts who don’t have academic degrees (undergraduates, graduate students) provide the review of the research supervisor.
At the discretion of authors the external review can be submitted at submission of article that, however, doesn’t exclude a usual order of reviewing. Reviews are discussed by an editorial board and form the basis for acceptance or a rejection of manuscripts.
The review is signed by the expert with interpretation of a surname, name and middle name, putting down the date, indicating an academic degree, academic status and the position held by the reviewer. Article sent to editorial office can be followed by the letter from the directing organization signed by her head (deputy).
Article coming to edition is registered with individual number on it. The manuscripts issued without Rules of representation and the publication of author’s materials and which don’t containing contact information on the authors responsible for correspondence aren’t considered. Article is transferred to the reviewer without indication of any data on authors.
The review has to objectively estimate the scientific article and contain the comprehensive analysis of its scientific and methodical advantages and disadvantages. The review is formed in the standard form offered by edition.
Edition informs the author about the results of reviewing. Articles finished by the author are sent for repeatedly reviewing to the same reviewer who did critical remarks, or to another at the discretion of edition. In case of the conflict the review is provided to the author of article without indication of any data on the reviewer. At disagreement of the author with remarks of the reviewer he may apply for re-reviewing or withdraw an article making an entry in the log.
By results of reviewing article can be:
- a) The article isn’t published. Editors sent to authors reasoned refusal within 10 days In case of refusal to publish an article. It is not allowed to publish: articles that aren’t issued according to requirements of edition; articles in which authors refuse doing technical completion; articles in which authors refuse doing constructive remarks of the reviewer or don’t disprove them reasoned.
- b) The article is published after completion. The article is adopted to the publication, but needing in completion goes to authors with remarks of the reviewer and editor. Authors have to make all necessary corrections to a final version of the manuscript and return to edition the corrected text, and also its identical electronic version together with the initial version and the accompanying answer letter to the reviewer. The article is repeatedly reviewed after completion, and edition makes the decision on possibility of the publication. Articles sent to authors for correction have to be returned in edition no later than in 7 calendar days after receiving. Return of article in later terms changes the date of the publication.
- c) The article is accepted for publication.
Editorial office of the magazine doesn’t store the manuscripts which aren’t accepted for publication. Manuscripts accepted to the publication don’t return to the authors. Manuscripts which received negative result from the reviewer don’t published and also don’t come back to the author.
Editors don’t give information concerning the manuscript (including data on its receiving, the contents, reviewing process, critical remarks of reviewers and a final decision), to anybody, except authors and reviewers. Reviewers aren’t allowed to make copy of manuscripts for their needs and it is forbidden to give part of the manuscript on reviewing to other person without the permission of editors. Reviewers, and also editorial office employees have no right to use knowledge of the content of manuscript in own interests before its publication. Manuscripts are a private property of authors and belong to the undisclosed information. At mutual desire of author and reviewer they can communicate without help of edition if it is necessary for work on the manuscript and there are no obstacles of personal character. If the publication of article caused violation of someone’s copyright or the standards of scientific ethics, editorial office has the right to withdraw the published article.
Terms of articles consideration are no more than 3 months. Reviews are presented to Higher Attestation Commission by inquiries of advisory councils.